
Bardia Parmoun

Software Engineering Student

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About Me

I am a software engineering graduate at Carleton University with a lot of experience programming in various languages including Python, Java, C, and C++. Currently I am working at Apple!



Software Engineer


Software Engineer Intern

  • Implemented a hard drive benchmarking tool for The Coalition Studio's custom Unreal Engine 5 using C++.
  • Integrated two upscaling frameworks into the engine for evaluation and added a custom console variable for them.
  • Helped develop a custom wind generator tool for the rendering team using C++ and HLSL.


Software Engineering Intern - Wireless Technologies & Ecosystems

  • Developed internal tools for Tap to Pay on iPhone, using Swift, SwiftUI, and Objective-C.
  • Participated in the verification of a Tap to Pay on iPhone framework and its new features for iOS 16.0.

Blackberry QNX

Core OS Software Development Student

  • Performed various unit tests for the QNX kernel and filesystem, using C and gcov, achieving 100% coverage.
  • Designed and conducted regression tests for the /proc filesystem, using C and BlackBerry's testing API, following Automotive SPICE to ensure the customer needs are being met and the components are behaving as expected.

Ross Video

Software Developer - softGear

  • Built two internal testing tools for the softGear team, AES67 Player and Recorder, to convert .raw audio to AES67 streams and generate custom tones, using C++, JSON, HTTP, and Docker; improved softGear's testing capacity by 20%.
  • Accelerated the release of two of softGear's products, RSAP and NWE-IP, by resolving bugs and adding new features.


Future Tech Intern

  • Created two calculators for Nokia's VNS/VCS services with Macros and VBA; improved sales automation by 15%.
My Experiences at Nokia!


Carleton University

September 2024 - PRESENT

Master of Applied Science: Electrical and Computer Engineering (Software Engineering)

Carleton University

September 2019 - April 2024

Software Engineering

Record of Grades



Tools & Technologies

Programming Concepts



Real-Time Elevator Simulator

  • Simulated an elevator control system in real-time using Java threads following the state design pattern.
  • Utilized UDP to connect the components and implemented the C-LOOK algorithm to schedule the elevator requests.
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  • Developed an online bookstore website using PHP and PostgreSQL that allows users to order books online.
  • Designed and implemented the database in PostgreSQL with proper triggers, functions, views, and procedures.
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Monopoly Simulator

  • Developed a Java based version of the game Monopoly following the MVC design pattern, maximizing maintainbility.
  • Utilized reinforcement learning to add the option of having AI players in the game.
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Terminal Spell Checker

  • Developed an object oriented program in C++ to scan a given text, through direct input or a file, for spelling errors and provide suggestions.
  • Created a command line interface (CLI) with various commands such as scanning the input, getting suggestions, applying suggestions, etc.
  • Created a bash script to compile the program and add the executable to the proper directory so it could be used as a Linux command.
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Embedded Pong

  • Created an embedded Pong game using Python, controlled via a MSP432R board through the UART protocol.
  • Developed a program in C using the Keil IDE to configure the LEDs, switches, and serial port with the proper GPIO and interrupts
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Scheduler and Kernel Simulator

  • Created a simple kernel simulator using C which uses a text file as input to run multiple processes with interrupts.
  • Created a scheduler to implement various scheduling algorithms including FCFS, Priority, and Round Robin with the option of memory allocation using the first fit algorithm.
  • Documented the code with proper comments and added a simple UI to use the scheduler easily
Scheduler Simulator Kernel Simulator

ARM Processor Simulator

  • Designed a 64 bit ARM processor in Logisim that fetches instructions from the main memory and executes them.
  • Developed programs for the processor in Assembly to handle various tasks with strings, arrays, I/O, and interrupts.
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Text Server

  • Created a text server using C, shared memory, and Linux message queues to achieve communication between a client and a server
  • Implemented various commands to add or remove sentences and search or delete specific words to or from the text.
  • Created an easy to use command based UI to allow the client to easily interact with the server and obtain proper responses.
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Multithreaded Matrix Multiplier

  • Created a concurrent matrix multiplier using C, shared memory, and fork system call to achieve faster results.
  • Configured the program to be easily changed to a matrix of any size and made sure it avoids race conditions.
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Virtual Shop

  • Worked together with another student to develop an object oriented program that simulated the behaviour of an online store using java.
  • Developed an interactive GUI using swing and a command based UI which could handle multiple customers at a time.
  • Followed the software development life cycle by creating different UML diagrams and documenting the full process.
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Photo Editing Program

  • Guided three students in creating a photo editing program using Python; the program lets the user add 13 different filters to images
  • Documented the entire lifecycle of the project and created a detailed README file to facilitate future implementation
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Settlers of Catan

  • Simulated the boardgame Settlers of Catan in Turing with creative graphics and the option of playing with the computer
  • Implemented all of the features of the game along with their related graphics, and used various programming techniques such as OOP, recursion, etc.
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  • Simulated the game tetris using Visual Basic.
  • Implemented all of the features of the game such as rotations, speeding up, etc.
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Dean’s Honour List

Dean’s Honour List recipient for the years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 for having a gpa of A or above.

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Governor General’s Bronze Medal

Highest graduating average in 2019: Winner of the Governor General Bronze Medal.

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Ontario Scholar - 2019

Ontario Scholar 2019 for having a graduating average of A or above.

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OCDSB Student Recognition Award

Winner of the OCDSB Student Recognition Award 2019 for outstanding community activities.

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